Sunday, January 4, 2009

Jan 4 update

Jenn called me from the hospital today!! She was hoarse, her voice was very quiet, but she was quite clear and lucid - and ready to come home!! No new news on her status - other than they are talking about moving her into her own room out of High Care. She said removing the tubes they have done so far has made her feel better, and she can't wait until all of them are out.

The eye doctor, as well as all of the other docs, will visit with her and her mom tomorrow, and we will know a lot more about her status.

At this point, her mom and aunt are staying "indefinitely", at least until they are satisfied that she is stable, and is past the immediate need for surgery.

Do send her e-mails if you can, as once she is able to move about, she will have limited access to a computer at the hospital. These mean a lot to her. I printed and sent some with her mother when she left, and they really helped Jenn.

I hope to have an address for cards and letters tomorrow.

Her aunt Judy sent over an ipod with pictures and music - Jenn says she listens to it constantly.

One other thing - they have recovered some of her belongings from the crash - don't know how, as there was nothing left at the site, but some of her things from the crash site are in Lilongwe.

More later - thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

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